Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Miss u

I miss u alot... lma sda kta tdk jmpa kn Mr D dr cousin kta kwin lge smpi skrg xda tejmpa blk2 gaduh.. sy btl2 penat sda niii.. sy sedih.. sy sakit hati.. klu la ko dpt fhm apa yh sy rsaaa... tp sy tau ko xda peduli sda kn? 1 ja sy mau ckp sma ko len kali klu perempuan  ckp kc tinggal sy... jan ko kc tinggal sbb sbnrnya dya mau ko lbh dkt sma dya .. kdg2 xda msk akal btl sy rsa snb ko pnya umur jauh muda dr sy... sy xda tau knpa sy syg ko... tp sy janji xda mau ganggu ko sda kn.. tiap2 hri sy doa spya ko fhm sy ... spya ko sdr mcm mna sy btl2 rindu sma ko... tp sy blm sedia apa yg sy harap ko kc tgk yg ko btl2 mau sy... btl2 perlu sy tp bla kta gaduh ko lari xda ckp2 apa2 sy sedihhhh btl kna buat mcm 2... sy rsa mcm kna kc main2.. sy rsa ko xda peduli sy... ko tau knpa dlu ay tba2 hlg? Sbb sy tkt  sy kna buat mcm skrg.. sy tkt bla sy sda mula syg tuss ko hlg ... tp x pa la sy terima sja sumaaa ni..  sy mau nangissssssSssss ..... sakittttttt btl sy rsa..

Monday, 8 April 2013

I hope

I hope someone will tell u how much this love things make me down, n then i pray to God , i said " God plz don't let me fall in Love wif the wrong guy" but then u came and tell me that u r in Love wif me so i said "God what is this"? Then i was like no im not ready yet but day by day i tell my Friend yeyen that i was afraid to let u go..  so everyday when u stuck in my mind then i share it wif Yeyen.. and oso wif my bro ater and Leng2 And they say i will never now if i don't give a try, yes b4 this i was like.. my mouth say no u too young for me.. but my heart say i miss u but im afraid that u will do the same thing  like my EXBF do.. keep on sharing wif yeyen then she understand that im still can't let my feeling go but she know wht my feel 4 u..  then i just hope that u will understand my situation but still make some effort to make me trust ur feel for me.. but i guess im just dreaming that u will be True to me..   i was wrong.. no one will love me, no one will be true to me.. but 1 day i hope u will know how i feel for u..  but maybe the day u realize that.. maybe i have move on  and let u go for the rest of my life, someday i'll but u not the reason anymore.. 4get about u 4get about us.. 4get about everything that hurt me so much.. and Thank you for make me cry every nite .. and i hope u will be happy for make me feel this way...  u have no idea how i feel..  thank you for remove my pic wif ... u know what i hope u say to me when u call me ? I LOVE U u never say those words u only say i miss u...  but i guess it over now.. i will stop here.. and let u go.. i admit that i have no rite to ask u to stay wif me.. no matter how much i care or explain to you  i can see that u r not hear what im saying..  "dear lord i ask u to bless him and all i ask u to make him happy  amen" I'LL BE FINE  BUT NOT FOR TODAY...

Saturday, 6 April 2013


Thank you for give me more pain and thank you for hurting me..
If u really in love with me u will never let me face my problem alone
Go and ask other women are they like the way u solve the problem between us?  If we have a little fight and u go just like that without msg or call me?? U make me think that why every guy in mylife use the same way to treat me? Am i a toy? Or u just want make some fun?? Or  am i STUPID to trust u that U LOVE ME??  GOD pls ... plssssssss  take away everthing inside me all burden, hurt, pain.. God im sorry for asking this.. why no 1 be true to me? Why is everything so hard for me? Why i must face it? U know every nite im crying.. and i oso fail for my intview.. and so much pain in my body.. i can't take it anymore..  i can't stand the pain when ppl still blame me for let my ex go..  Lord plsss ...plsss and plsss hug me now i need u.. cuz no one will care for what i feel..  plss ...plsss take this pain away from me...